St. Bridget Get Involved


Funeral Choir
Contact Kelly Finch 580-1022

Funeral Dinner
Contact Charlene Phillips 732-3660

Giving Tree
Contact Lisa Goecke 458-6662

Communion to the Homebound, Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Contact Jane Jolliff 969-4388

Christian Community Cooperation Closet (4 C’s)
The 4C’s is an effort within Union County to help meet the needs of the needy through a food pantry and clothes closet. Drop off boxes for non-perishable food items are located in the church for parishioners to share with those less fortunate. Our church has a quarterly collection for various items.

Contact Nick Tharp 732-3513

Welcoming New Parishioners
Contact the Parish Office 765-825-8578

Friends of St. Bridget
This is open to all adult parishioners of Saint Bridget. This group assists with fundraising efforts to support Saint Bridget Parish (Oktoberfest, Etiquette Workshop and the Murder Mystery) as well as well as host various activities for our parishioners (ex. Mother-Daughter Banquet).

Contact Karen Kahl 259-2587

Oktoberfest is a German based festival offering authentic German foods, German beers, German music and German fun. There is something for everyone.

Contact Steve Wessler 580-2435




Finance Council and Planned Giving
Contact Carolyn Nutty 977-2579

Property and Facilities Committee
Contact Dennis Nutty 977-2578

Volunteers clean the church, St. Anthony Center, and rectory on a rotating basis.

Church Cleaning
Kathy Ramey & Carrie Stirn 458-5827
Darlene Chewning & Amanda Hertel 914-5006
Susan Kirkpatrick, Carolyn Nutty, & Marsh Thomas 513-523-4278
Karen & Jerry Kahl 259-2587

St. Anthony Center Cleaning
Charlene Phillips & Sherry Wooley 732-3660
Melissa Posco & Jane Jolliff 513-200-8498

Rectory Cleaning
Charlene Phillips 732-3660
Kelly Finch & Peggy Harvey 765-580-1022