Youth Ministries

Religious Education

K-6th Grade

Updates coming soon.

Contact: Melissa Fronckowiak – 825-8578


Confirmation Preparation

A window of yellow alabaster is illuminated at its centre with an image of the Dove of the Holy Spirit. This is above the Cathedra Petri or "Chair of St. Peter" altar at St. Peter's Basilica. The altar was created by Bernini. Bernini created a large b

Confirmation is when youth are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and sent forth to be disciples. The process begins in the Spring of their 8th grade year and concludes with Confirmation Mass in November of their 9th grade year. To receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, youth must complete a preparation checklist, which includes: participation in Mass; an entrance interview; service within the church and community; and attend 4 (four) Confirmation classes and a retreat.

Contact: Kate Vu – 825-8578 |


Youth Group

FTammy Fireor grades 7-12. Non-Catholics are invited! In April, 6th graders are also invited to begin joining Youth Group activities. We generally meet on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, beginning with 6pm Mass and ending at 8pm. All updates are communicated through the Remind App. Contact Kate for access.

We also provide opportunities to participate in:

NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference)FD Pieface

Homeland Mission
Bishop Brute Days or Graced Retreats
World Youth Day
Senior Mass

Joyce Rowland Youth Award
Totus Tuus
Rosary Walks
Community Meals

Confirmation Retreat Mass 2020



Camp Days

NCYC 2019













More information about Archdiocese of Indianapolis youth ministry can be found at