August 15 – September 14, 2021
“Come away by yourselves and rest awhile” -Mark 6:31
Sign-up for a Holy Hour specifically for WEEK 3- 8/29-9/05 – by CLICKING HERE!
View your times or sign-up for a Holy Hour specifically for WEEK 2- 8/22-8/29 – by CLICKING HERE!
Watch Fr. Dustin’s Homily in which he introduces the 31 Days of Adoration HERE
31-Day Adoration Schedule:
Begin: August 15 at the end of 10:30 AM Mass
End: September 14 at 8:00 PM
St. Gabriel: Sunday 11:30 AM – Thursday 8:00 PM
St. Bridget: Friday 8:30 AM – Sunday 8:00 AM
Note: There will be breaks in adoration for regularly scheduled Masses and funeral Masses.
We need you…and every single parishioner!
- We need you to sign-up to be a guardian for one hour each week.
Adoration of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament cannot happen if there is not at least one person present. Guardians are those who volunteer in this capacity, and we require two guardians for each 60-minute time slot.
- Your parishes depend on you to be committed to this for the sake of the mission.
The Fall season is especially busy around our two parishes and in our counties. We have the start of school, Chicken at the Fair, Oktoberfest, Fall Festival, etc. This busyness is good so long as we are growing closer to Christ through it and (equally important) we are bringing others to Christ along with ourselves.
- Jesus calls you to help make others aware of His Presence right here.
How often is it asked, “Where is God?” The Eucharist is the answer to that very human question, which is not an answer that requires us to look to a far-off day or obtain a master’s degree in theology. Jesus is simply, truly and profoundly right in-front of us in the Blessed Sacrament.
- You need time for prayer…often.
Maybe you already pray intentionally and deeply each day, but many have not yet implemented such intentional and deep prayer in their lives. This opportunity gives everyone a chance to begin, maintain, or enhance a deeper life of prayer.
Imagine the Grace to come from our Lord!
There will be 150 hours of prayerful Adoration each week (multiplied by two guardians), plus whoever else may want to come. That will equal over 1,300 hours of prayer by all who participate between our two parishes!!!
Adoration FAQs
- What is the point of Eucharistic Adoration?
Simply put, the point is prayer. However, Adoration is a particular form of devotional prayer when we spend time with our Lord who is truly and fully present to us in the Eucharist. While our God is always present to the Christian who approaches Him with an open and prayerful heart, He is visibly and concretely present to us in Eucharistic Adoration. In Adoration, we spend time with Jesus not just in a spiritual way, but physically. And He spends time with us!
- So, what do I do during adoration?
You pray, of course, but here are a few suggestions that may help:
- The simplest form of prayer (and often the deepest) is to simply “just be” with Jesus. You don’t have to do anything. Simply look at Him as He looks at you.
- Pray all the mysteries of the Rosary: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious. There aren’t many better ways to mediate on and grow in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus than with His Mother.
- Meditate on scripture. You can bring a Bible, look at Mass readings in the missalette/blue hymnal, or use your smartphone to bring up the scriptures. Remember, meditation is primarily a prayer of listening for the interior movements of the Holy Spirit. Start with what word, phrases, or sentences of the passage stand out to you.
- You can read! Maybe purchase a biography about one of the Saints, read some of the writings of the Saints, read a book about Jesus. Both of our parishes have libraries and contain lots of good options in this realm.
- Put in your earbuds and listen to a Catholic podcast, devotion, or reflection. Mike Schmitz’s “Bible in a Year” podcast has been fruitful for many parishioners.
- Finally, if you’re just exhausted because it’s been a long day or you’re here in the night watch, then just rest with Jesus. Adoration is marked by a very peaceful and quiet atmosphere. If you end up dozing off, don’t worry about it. Even the Saints weren’t beyond falling asleep in Adoration – just ask Sts. Peter, James, and John!
- What about my kids/grandkids? Are they permitted to come to Adoration?
Not only are they permitted, they are specifically invited!! It was our Lord who said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” And don’t be afraid to walk them up close to the altar, to talk to and teach them about the Eucharist. Also, it is totally acceptable for a parent/grandparent to pray with a child in a subdued voice. Finally, there is no better babysitter than Jesus! He loves seeing and being with the little ones! Additionally, let’s all help the parents and grandparents in their efforts to make their children feel welcomed.
- Is there a certain kind of etiquette or posture during Adoration?
Yes. Generally, folks coming to Adoration maintain silence. There are some exceptions to this (e.g. Kids or necessary communicating with a fellow adorer). The purpose of silence is for the sake of listening to the Lord who speaks to us in the silence, and it is maintained out of respect for fellow adorers. Also, one should genuflect toward the Eucharist (or at least bow) when they enter and leave the church for Adoration. When an adorer is in their pew, they are welcome to sit, stand, or kneel as they wish.
- Will adoration be happening throughout the nighttime?
Yes, which means that the Light of the World will be expelling the darkness of night in our Counties!
- How will guardians gain access to the churches when the doors are locked?
We will be installing lockboxes at the door of the handicap ramp entrances of each of our churches. Guardians (i.e., the parishioners who have signed up for designated 60-minute time slots) will be given the lockbox access code. Inside the lockbox will be the key for opening the handicap entrance door. The key will only open that door. Once inside the church, the church will remain locked from the outside, while those inside the church will remain free to exit by pressing the crash bar.
- How would someone who is not a guardian (and therefore does not have the lockbox code) gain entrance to the church if the doors are locked?
In short, they will call a prepaid cell phone that guardians will monitor inside the church. Signs will be posted at all entrances directing the person to the handicap ramp entrances. At that entrance, we’ll post the phone number to call. The guardian will then answer the phone, and if the guardian feels comfortable with allowing the person entrance, they can open the door.
- Will our local police departments be made aware of this Adoration taking place throughout the night?
Yes. Fr. Dustin has been in contact with our respective Police/Sheriff departments and requested that extra patrols for our campus take place from dusk to dawn.
- What do I do if I have committed to an hour each week but I will be late or unable to attend?
Guardians will be given a list of other Guardians and potential substitutes. If you are not able to keep your scheduled time, please find a substitute. One reason we require 2 Guardians per time slot is to ensure someone is present at all times, in case someone runs late, etc.
- Can I attend Adoration without signing up as a Guardian or can I show up at times when I am not signed up?
Absolutely! You can come as often as you wish. However, this effort will require everyone to sign-up to be a Guardian at least one hour per week.