The “Go!” Fund is an Outreach fund inspired by the desire of the participants of the “Beacon of Hope” Town Hall Meetings. The St. Gabriel Finance Council heard the parishioners’ appeals for Community Outreach and responded by setting aside Auction and Flea Market proceeds to start this fund. The purpose of this fund is to resource parishioners who wish to head our Lord’s commission to Go! And make disciples of all nations (cf. Matthew 28:19). For this reason, we have name this the “Go!” Fund. New disciples are often made by the community of disciples going out and meeting another person in their need.
Outreach is the Church at work in God’s name, stretching out to meet the needs in the wider community. As Baptized members of Christ’s body, we engage in outreach whenever we intentionally invite our Lord to work through us by serving the needs of others.
If you have or would like to make a difference with Christ in our community through outreach and need funding, please see details below.
- The one who applies must be a registered and active parishioner of St. Gabriel or St. Bridget.
- The outreach activity must benefit Fayette County and/or Union County.
- The activity must be supported in and not opposed to Catholic beliefs, morality and social teaching.
- This fund will NOT reimburse parishioners who have given out money, gift cards, presents etc. directly to individual persons, groups, or organizations as this fund is not for “hand-outs,” but for the activity of ministry. *Please speak to Fr. Dustin and/or Pam Rader in advance if you have any questions about this requirement.
- Any outreach activities not exceeding a cost of $50 are pre-approved. Simply submit to the parish office this completed form along with your receipt, and you will will be reimbursed within thirty days.
- Any outreach activities whose costs will exceed $50 are only eligible for this fund if the activity is pre-approved. Please submit to the parish office this completed form to apply for pre-approval.
- Receipts must be turned into the parish office within thirty days of activity. You may mail the receipts, drop them off at the parish office (if able) or upload a picture and email the receipts to Pam Rader at prader@stgabrielconnersville.org