Prayer List

Requiescant In Pace

Please remember in prayer the souls of our faithful departed during this time:

Norman Munson
Mary Schoettmer
Candy Cain
Tenny Lee Kunkel
Ron May
Abby McFeely
Mike Maze
Mary Chergosky
Joe Wiley
Jim Houser
Mark Fox
Phyllis Pflum

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Pray for the Sick

Jane Jolliff
Margy King
Neva Schoettmer
Madison Sliger
Judy Smith
Beth Hisle


Pray for Special Intentions

– All healthcare workers, first responders and caregivers of the ill.
– Those “essential” employees in harms way
– All affected by the Coronoavirus situation
– For our priests – for continued strength of mind, body, and faith – especially for those with COVID-19 duties.
– For all nursing home residents in isolation and unable to have visitors due to the coronavirus. For their health and well-being.


This Week’s Intentions

– In Thanksgiving for our freedom and for peace, justice, equality, respect for the dignity of all life, security and prosperity for all of our country.