From Our St. Vincent de Paul Tri-County Chapter:
Dear Parishioners,
During these trying times, we have many seniors and families in our communities that are struggling to put food on their tables. We also know a lot of people are losing jobs daily and the need for assistance will continue to grow.
Our ministry of Saint Vincent De Paul is looking to assist those in need, and we require your help to do so. Non-perishable donations are not an option at this time since we are unable to receive donations on-campus. Therefore, we are asking anyone that can donate monetarily to help us purchase food for weekly distribution to please do so online through the St. Gabriel and St. Bridget We Share at THIS LINK: St. Vincent de Paul Tri-County Chapter Corona-Care for Fayette & Union Counties.
With your contribution, we plan to donate: can goods; ready to cook items; and, hopefully, things like bologna, bread, hot dogs, eggs, and items of a similar nature. We are very fortunate to be working with a grocery chain that will be selling us items at cost!
We truly appreciate your help to take care of as many people as possible.
If you know of any seniors or families that are in need, please call or text:
Union County: Jane Jolliff = 765-969-4388
Fayette County: Cheryl Hreno = 765-338-8321
Additionally, when we are ready to begin disbursing the food items, we will gladly accept volunteers. However, the Archdiocese is requesting that all volunteers must be under the age of 60, not considered “at risk,” be in good overall health, and practice all CDC recommendations on social distance and sanitation. Please call Cheryl or Jane if you are interested in volunteering. We hope to be able to begin disbursements on Saturday, April 4 – dependent upon the amount of food we are able to obtain from your generous monetary donations.
Together, we can help change some lives.
God Bless,
Tony Talbert, Cheryl, Jane,
and the SVDP Ministry
